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Laura’s CGA Adventure!

“It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door.
You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet,
there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.”
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring


So begins the next adventure!!

Many of you have been wondering what’s next in my life and as was I up until two weeks ago!


Throughout the whole Race I made various plans for this year including graduate school, working for AmeriCorps, going to Japan to teach English, or going to Japan to study Japanese.  Every single time I had a new idea about what I wanted to do, I brought it to the Lord excited to hear what He had to say. 

Each time His response was,

“You could do that, you have freewill and you would glorify me. 
You could do that, or you could see what else I have for you.

It felt like a kick in the gut each time I heard these words.  All I could do was lay my plans down at His feet and let Him direct me.

And He did.


While I was in Thailand (month 7: March) I felt God calling me to apply to Squad Lead a World Race squad.  This means I would go out as an alumni leader with a new squad for five months to disciple and train the Racers on the squad.  Already being sick of the Race in month 7 and feeling nervous about my leadership abilities, I very hesitantly said yes to this calling.

By month 11, Indonesia, I was accepted to Squad Lead this January, 2017. 

By Project Searchlight (a week long debrief in Gainesville, Georgia a month after coming home) I found out they would not need me to Squad Lead until August 2017.

A year of waiting felt like a long time commitment, but I knew Squad Leading was something I had to do. What I didn’t know was what I should do for that year in-between and so I assumed I would just work at home in Minnesota.


Finally, the last day of Project Searchlight God directed me to what He wanted me to do this year leading up to Squad Leading. All day I kept hearing about Center for Global Action (CGA), a leadership and discipleship program through Adventures in Missions that prepares post-Racers to follow their callings. 

During the very last session of that day I received confirmation from God this is what I am supposed to do.

“Move to Gainesville, move to Gainesville, move to Gainesville.”

“Gainesville?? I want a year of comfort in Minnesota, a chance to save money, and I really don’t want to fundraise! I don’t even know if I like Georgia.”

As the Lord repeated the words, “move to Gainesville,” I felt the same sense of peace and urgency to obey that I felt when He told me to go on the World Race and to apply to Squad Lead.

I knew this was what I had to do.


As I’ve prepared to leave and have been telling more and more people about CGA, I’ve found myself becoming excited. I understand now there are so many skills and lessons God wants to teach me, and that CGA will provide the platform I need to learn and grow. 

Coming home from the Race I asked God what it was He wanted me to learn during this season of my life. Over and over I felt confirmation He wanted me to learn more reverence of Him, gain a passion for reading His Word, know more of Him through His Word, be in community, and grow in my leadership skills.
At the time I had no idea how any of that could be obtained in Minnesota.

While attending CGA I will be partaking in the field leadership track which develops character and ability to lead others in various settings.  I will have coursework and projects to complete as well as a part-time job in the Gainesville community as one of many opportunities for outreach.

Currently I am assigned to a house with six girls total and will be living in constant community with people who are striving to know the Lord more. Within the CGA community we will participate in intensive Bible studies and memorizing scripture.



As I head out on this adventure, I want to invite all of you along with me!

On the Race I felt completely encouraged and supported by all of your prayers, financial gifts, and kind words. I know CGA just wouldn’t be the same without all of you joining me!

Would you consider joining me in my CGA adventure?